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Help! My Husband Has Low-T

A decline in testosterone levels becomes more common in men as they get older. If your husband is experiencing sexual dysfunction, mood swings, and other symptoms of low-T, testosterone therapy may be a solution.

If your husband has an imbalance in his testosterone levels, it can have an impact on his self-esteem, self-confidence, and your relationship as a whole.

The team at  New Tampa Interventional Pain and Sports Medicine, located in Wesley Chapel, Florida, offer services in our wellness clinic to improve the quality of your life. Our team specialize in testosterone therapy to help men address the range of distressing symptoms low testosterone (low-T) can cause.

How low-T develops

Testosterone is a male hormone that plays a role in a man’s physical, emotional, and sexual wellness.  The hormone is made in the testicles and is essential for keeping bones strong, maintaining muscle mass, producing sperm, and regulating energy levels and moods.

As you get older, your testosterone levels naturally begin to decline. Age-related decline is often gradual, and your symptoms may become more noticeable over time. You might also experience symptoms of low T at a younger age because of:

  • Obesity
  • Infections
  • Testicle injuries
  • Cancer treatments
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Chronic diseases

Any of these issues can interfere with healthy testosterone production and lead to low-T symptoms.

Recognizing low-T symptoms

Low testosterone levels can cause a range of symptoms that affect any system that the testosterone hormone controls.

When your testosterone levels drop, you can experience symptoms that range from mild to severe and include:

  • Persistent fatigue
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Low sex drive
  • Sleep disruptions
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Loss of bone and muscle mass
  • Low sperm count and infertility

You can also experience cognitive problems like difficulties concentrating, as well as mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and mood swings.

These symptoms can be difficult to manage and even harder to cope with – especially if they are negatively affecting your relationship. If you have any concerns about low-T symptoms, contact New Tampa Interventional Pain and Sports Medicine for a diagnostic evaluation.

We take a blood sample to evaluate your testosterone levels. Our team can determine if you’re a candidate for testosterone therapy to rebalance your natural hormone levels.

What to expect from testosterone therapy

To supplement your levels of testosterone, we implant tiny testosterone pellets just beneath the surface of your skin. The pellets release a steady stream of hormones into your body over a period of three to six months.

As your hormone levels come back into balance, you should notice a difference in the severity of your symptoms.  You may not see immediate results, but over time, your energy levels will return, your mood will stabilize, and your sexual desire and performance will improve.

Our team continues to monitor your progress with testosterone pellet therapy. We offer in-office procedures to remove old pellets and place new ones, so you can maintain optimal hormone levels.

Our team can also help you address weight gain and other side effects of low-T with additional treatment plans. Our goal is to help you regain your self-confidence, health, and happiness.

Call New Tampa Interventional Pain & Sports Medicine in Wesley Chapel, Florida, to schedule a diagnostic evaluation for low testosterone, or book an appointment online today.

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